GDI Lecture: Decolonization and the Future of Academic Research
On the panel: - Diana Mitlin (African Cities Research Consortium, GDI) - Eyob Gebremariam (Perivoli Africa research centre, Bristol) - Dani Beltrame (Slum Dwellers International and GDI) - Tina Cribbin (Aquarius Savers, Ageing Well in Place in Hulme) How can development research – and universities more generally – overcome the traditio..
Training Course on Advanced Scripting and Batching of Tomographic Datasets
Although X-ray tomography is an attractive characterisation technique in materials science, it generates a huge amount of data at a fast rate and it can be extremely time consuming to process the data manually. A great benefit to creating scripts and plugins in Avizo is the ability to reuse a workflow on more than one image or to develop a bes..
Geography Seminar: Dr Monica Winsborrow, The Arctic University of Norway - Ice Sheets and the Global Carbon Cycle
The department of Geography welcomes Dr Monica Winsborrow (UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø), to deliver this in-person seminar, 'Ice Sheets and the Global Carbon Cycle' open to staff and students.
GDI Lecture: Class, Politics, and Agrarian Policies in Post-Liberalisation India
Speaker: Sejuti Das Gupta (Michigan State University) India entered a new political and economic phase in 1991 with adoption of the structural adjustment programme. Since then, studies have tended to focus on global and national factors to understand ongoing political processes in the country. With cultural nationalism and symbolic politics h..
GDI Lecture: The War on Gaza: Historical Context and Future Possibilities
Israeli and Western officials deal with events of October 7 as an isolated incident of violence and as animosity against Jews. Contextualising events provides a different interpretation. It is not to justify what happed, rather to understand and assess these events in wider political context, with specific reference to escalating settler attac..
GDI Lecture: Living the Urban Periphery: Our Book and Related Thoughts...
The edges of cities are increasingly understood as places of dynamism and change, but there is little research on the complexities of African urban peripheries and the varied nature of building, growth, investment and decline that is shaping them. Our multi-authored collaboratively-produced monograph ‘Living the urban periphery’ (2024) exa..
Geography Seminar: Dr Miriam Williams, Macquarie University, Sydney - Care-full Cities: Insights into Theory and Practice
The department of Geography welcomes Dr Miriam Williams (School of Social Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney) to deliver this in-person seminar 'Care-full Cities: Insights into Theory and Practice' Open to all staff and students.