Book Launch: Manchester Urban Design Lab
Join us on for a double book launch with Manchester Urban Design LAB and PPEM, to celebrate the new works of Prof. Ian Mell (Growing Green Infrastructure in Contemporary Asian Cities) and Dr Philip Black (with Dr Michael Martin, Mr Robert Phillips and Dr Taki Sonbli - ‘Applied Urban Design: A Contextually Responsive Approach'), both publishe..
Global Development Today... Whose 'Development' Is It Really?
Join Deborah Doane, author of ‘The INGO Problem: Power, Privilege and Renewal’, and Nana Asantewa Afadzinu, Executive Director of the West Africa Civil Society Institute, to discuss current challenges within the aid sector, how Southern NGOs are leading calls for structural change in global development, and whether International NGOs are r..
Fairtrade: Celebrating 30 Years of a Movement for Global Economic Justice
The School of Environment, Education and Development Annual Social Responsibility Lecture Fairtrade is celebrating its 30th anniversary in the UK. When consumers buy Fairtrade labelled goods, they are supporting farmers and workers to improve their living standards, invest in their communities and businesses, and protect the shared environmen..
Lane Lecture 2024: Delivering Occupational Health Research in Government: an important front line service?
HSE has a proud history of undertaking occupational health research, either by funding others or using its in house capability. In this lecture Professor Andrew Curran CBE will review over 100 years of occupational health research by Government and consider if this capability should be considered as an important front-line service. In perso..
SPACES for young people's wellbeing
Join us for an absorbing webinar on creating SPACES (Supporting Participation in Arts, Culture, Entertainment and Sports) to improve young people’s wellbeing. Hear from researchers, artists, allied professionals and young people, and join the discussion about how we can act together for change. With guest speakers from Factory Internation..
The Suburban Frontier: Middle-Class Construction in Dar es Salaam
Speaker: Claire Mercer (LSE) Co-organised with the Geography Department African cities are under construction. Beyond the urban redevelopment schemes and large-scale infrastructure projects reconfiguring central city skylines, urban residents are putting their resources into finding land and building homes on city edges. The Suburban Frontie..
Digital Futures & Sustainable Futures PhD Workshop
University of Manchester Staff and Student Only | In-person | Room tbc Join us to explore interdisciplinary research and synergies in the fields of digital technology and sustainability. We welcome PhD students from The University of Manchester who are conducting research in these areas and are interested in exchanging ideas and knowledge o..
Uneven Development and Political Cleavage in Africa: Regional Tensions Around New Growth Models
Speaker: Catherine Boone (LSE) This talk draws upon Inequality and Political Cleavage in Africa (Cambridge, 2024) to trace the roots of strong regionalism within African countries, arguing that this arises from both inequalities rooted in economic geography and the structure of political institutions. In many African countries, we see forms o..
A Political Epistemology of International Development
Speaker: David Ludwig (Wageningen) The colonial myth of a “civilizing mission” is built on imagining the colonized as ignorant and in need of education by colonial knowledge holders. Even after the collapse of European empires, international development maintained many of these epistemic hierarchies, treating local communities as passive..
Dams, Power and the Politics of Ethiopia’s Renaissance
Speaker: Tom Lavers (GDI) After more than a decade, Ethiopia is filling the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), a controversial dam with the potential to transform the hydrology and politics of the Nile Basin. The GERD is the culmination of a dam-building boom carried out over three decades and a key pillar of the Ethiopian Peoples’ Rev..
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