Past events
Digital Trust and Security Seminar Series: Prof Rob Black
Join Digital Futures and Prof Rob Black for a free event on 18th November to explore the concepts of...
JEOC Seminario web en español - Presentación del proyecto
Le invitamos a la presentación pública del proyecto de investigación "Justicia en la Observación...
Healthier Futures: Survey workshop and networking lunch event
We are excited to invite you to a workshop event focused on the use of surveys in health inequalitie...
Community of Practice: Working in development as the world heats up: A double-bind or an opportunity to make real change?
Natalie Cunningham (Host), Senior Lecturer in Leadership for Development Tom O’Brien, Global Devel...
Geography Department Research Seminar, Dr Lucy Baker (Open University)
'Energy access as a new frontier of electricity capital Abstract: While recent years have seen the...
How can a circular economy protect the climate and help communities thrive? A conversation with Anshu Gupta, Founder of Goonj
What role do restoration and repurposing play in supporting a more just, sustainable, and equitable...
Just Earth Observation for Conservation Project Launch Webinar - English Language
Join us for the online public launch of the Just Earth Observation for Conservation research project...
Geography Department Research Seminar, Dr Mike Peacock (University of Liverpool)
'Small artificial waterbodies as hotspots of carbon and greenhouse gas cycling Abstract: Ditches a...
Uneven Development and Political Cleavage in Africa: Regional Tensions Around New Growth Models
Speaker: Catherine Boone (LSE) This talk draws upon Inequality and Political Cleavage in Africa (Ca...
My Battle of Hastings - Book Launch with Xiaolu Guo
Join us at the beautiful Portico Library for an in-person discussion with Xiaolu Guo about her lates...