Past events
The Suburban Frontier: Middle-Class Construction in Dar es Salaam
Speaker: Claire Mercer (LSE) Co-organised with the Geography Department African cities are under c...
Irene Manton Lecture 2024
The Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health in collaboration with The Linnean Society of London and...
Buddhist Mass Media in Modern China | Research Talk with Gregory Scott
Join us for an in-person talk with Dr Gregory Adam Scott at Oddfellows Hall to learn more about Budd...
Resource-Backed Loans and Their Implications on Value Addition in Commodity-Dependent Countries: The Case of Ghana’s Cocoa Syndicated Loans
Commodity-dependent countries increasingly leverage Resource-Backed Loans (RBLs) to access internati...
SPACES for young people's wellbeing
Join us for an absorbing webinar on creating SPACES (Supporting Participation in Arts, Culture, Ente...
AMBS Event - Digital Echoes: How Our Tech Past Shapes Our Future
Our Original Thinking Lecture series showcases some of the world-leading research from colleagues at...
Fairtrade: Celebrating 30 Years of a Movement for Global Economic Justice
The School of Environment, Education and Development Annual Social Responsibility Lecture Fairtrade...
Lane Lecture 2024: Delivering Occupational Health Research in Government: an important front line service?
HSE has a proud history of undertaking occupational health research, either by funding others or usi...
Hear me! Exhibition
The Hear Me! science/art exhibition about impact of hearing loss, tinnitus and dizziness, which has...
Global Development Today... Whose 'Development' Is It Really?
Join Deborah Doane, author of ‘The INGO Problem: Power, Privilege and Renewal’, and Nana Asantew...