We're one of Europe’s best-equipped universities for studying geography. Students can access our state-of-the-art laboratories and computer facilities.
Students can learn professional skills such as coding and programming. We offer industry-standard software for image processing, Geographic Information Systems, and cartographic representation.
Our laboratories
Our laboratories are based in the Arthur Lewis Building. The neighbouring Humanities Bridgeford Street building offers students a dedicated study space. Our extensive store of field equipment can support students' dissertation projects.
For detailed information about our laboratory, field, sampling and analytical equipment, see the Geography Laboratories blog.
Main teaching laboratory
A flexible space for hands-on teaching in diverse physical geography methods.
Most practical sessions take place here. This laboratory can accommodate up to 50 students.
Microscopy laboratory
Cutting-edge facilities for research and training in studying water, soils and sediments. Our undergraduates use these in practical classes and dissertation research. We have:
- three high-range, research-quality microscopes with image-capture facilities;
- 50 teaching microscopes with phase-contrast capability.
Sediments and project laboratories
We use these for sample preparation, including ovens, furnaces and ball mills. Other equipment housed here includes:
- C-H-N-S-O Analyser;
- Laser granulometer;
- Magnetic susceptibility instrumentation;
- Microwave digester;
- TOC (Total Organic Carbon).
Spectroscopy laboratory
This laboratory houses:
- ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer);
- ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer).
X-ray laboratory
This has facilities for analysing a wide range of major and trace elements. Equipment includes:
- Benchtop XRF;
- Itrax core scanner;
- Portable Niton XRF.