Supporting widening participation applicants and students
We offer outstanding courses in Geography, Architecture, Planning, Environmental Management, and Education and we are committed to supporting the very best students from all backgrounds to study them.
At The University of Manchester, widening participation is firmly embedded into how we run our institution. A key ambition for teaching, learning and the student experience is for there to be no barriers to studying and no boundaries to learning.
We identify and attract the most talented students to Manchester, regardless of their backgrounds. Our research shows that there are no significant differences in the entry qualifications, nor in the degree attained, between students from widening participation backgrounds and the rest of the student populace.
Widening participation addresses patterns of under-representation in higher education. To do this, we target prospective students from groups that are currently under-represented, including students:
- from low-income backgrounds and low socioeconomic groups;
- from postcodes where participation in higher education in low;
- who are the first in their generation to consider higher education;
- who attend schools and colleges where performance is below the national average;
- who are care experienced;
- who have a disability;
- who are young carers;
- who are estranged from their families;
- from under-represented ethnic backgrounds.
If you meet some of the conditions above, you may be eligible to receive a reduced offer in the A-level (or equivalent qualification) grades required to study with us. Find out if this applies to you by visiting contextual data.
You may be wondering what financial support is available to you to study our courses, how to apply, whether you will have the right grades to get in, or how different university study will be from school or college. We have support in place to help in all of these areas. Choose from our subject areas below to find out what is on offer.