Democratise political education in schools

Dr Edda Sant, Manchester Institute of Education (MIE)

Dr Edda Sant

As a former citizenship education teacher, Dr Sant was dedicated to igniting the interest of young minds in democratic politics. Transitioning into the role of a researcher, she became acutely aware of significant deficiencies in current approaches to political education. In her latest publication, Political Education in Times of Populism, she endeavours to rethink the approach to political education in schools, aiming to pave the way for a more democratic tomorrow.

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Many children and young people, particularly those from disadvantage backgrounds, lack the opportunity to receive comprehensive political or citizenship education at school. When they do, they usually encounter a top-down curriculum which does not resonate or align with their political experiences.

Now is the time to...

  • ensure that all children and young people have access to sufficient and quality political education in schools;
  • democratise and diversify what and how we teach political education in schools.

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Read more about research in the Manchester Institute of Education (MIE) at The University of Manchester.