Consider dialogue when designing or utilising educational technology

Dr Louis Major, Manchester Institute of Education (MIE)

Dr Louis Major

Dr Major is a Senior Lecturer in Digital Education at The University of Manchester. Louis’ research focuses on digital technology’s role in the future of education, in particular, how this can help to address educational disadvantage and support effective dialogue and communication.

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As we face current and future challenges, it's increasingly important to encourage effective collaboration and teamwork. Using digital tools and promoting dialogue in education can help learners to develop the ability to collaborate both in person and online, enabling them to tackle global issues in the future.

Now is the time to...

  • engage learners and enhance participation;
  • facilitate peer-to-peer learning aligned with the curriculum;
  • expand the scope of learning beyond traditional constraints of time and location;
  • provide support for collaborative problem-solving when faced with unexpected challenges.

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Related research

  • Discover Digital Futures, a highly interdisciplinary network that operates across the whole range of the University’s digital research

Read more about research in the Manchester Institute of Education (MIE) at The University of Manchester.